

Sunday - 9:15 AM Sunday School, 10:30 AM Worship Service

by: Denise Robinson



I am trying to "declutter" my house, which has led me to the sad conclusion that I have way too much clutter. It's not like I'm a hoarder or a collector (except for books, of course, to which I plead guilty), but I've lived in the same house for 18 years and I have a lot of stuff. Some of it I don't remember buying or getting ... it just sort of wandered into my house and took up residence (ok, not really). 
This got me thinking about the "clutter" we have in our lives that impact our faith. I'm not talking about people, although I suppose that could be the case. I was thinking about all of the little tasks, distractions, and excuses that keep us from coming to church on Sunday, from daily devotional time, from getting involved with efforts that help others, and with prayer time. We're so good (and I include myself here) at filling our day with clutter and not finding time for God. 
Jesus, in Matthew 6:33, tells his disciples to seek the kingdom of God and God's righteousness first ... and then all the things of this life will come to them. Luke tells the story of the time that Jesus and the disciples came to visit two women, Martha and Mary. Martha immediately flew into action, cleaning the house and cooking dinner. Mary, on the other hand, sat next to Jesus to hear what he had to say. It wasn't that Martha was doing wrong or bad things, it's just that her priorities were misplaced. She was doing the right things at the wrong time. Her time with Jesus needed to come first. 
What "clutter" in your life needs to be removed or reduced so that you can spend more time with God? If you were to journal just one day and write down everything you did during those 24 hours, how much time would you find you gave to God? I think God understands we all need time for work, family and friends, personal time, and even cleaning the house. But, at the end of the day, have you given God 30 minutes? 15 even? What does your clutter say about how you really feel about God and your faith? Just pondering....
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I am trying to "declutter" my house, which has led me to the sad conclusion that I have way too much clutter. It's not like I'm a hoarder or a collector (except for books, of course, to which I plead guilty), but I've lived in the same house for 18 years and I have a lot of stuff. Some of it I don't remember buying or getting ... it just sort of wandered into my house and took up residence (ok, not really). 
This got me thinking about the "clutter" we have in our lives that impact our faith. I'm not talking about people, although I suppose that could be the case. I was thinking about all of the little tasks, distractions, and excuses that keep us from coming to church on Sunday, from daily devotional time, from getting involved with efforts that help others, and with prayer time. We're so good (and I include myself here) at filling our day with clutter and not finding time for God. 
Jesus, in Matthew 6:33, tells his disciples to seek the kingdom of God and God's righteousness first ... and then all the things of this life will come to them. Luke tells the story of the time that Jesus and the disciples came to visit two women, Martha and Mary. Martha immediately flew into action, cleaning the house and cooking dinner. Mary, on the other hand, sat next to Jesus to hear what he had to say. It wasn't that Martha was doing wrong or bad things, it's just that her priorities were misplaced. She was doing the right things at the wrong time. Her time with Jesus needed to come first. 
What "clutter" in your life needs to be removed or reduced so that you can spend more time with God? If you were to journal just one day and write down everything you did during those 24 hours, how much time would you find you gave to God? I think God understands we all need time for work, family and friends, personal time, and even cleaning the house. But, at the end of the day, have you given God 30 minutes? 15 even? What does your clutter say about how you really feel about God and your faith? Just pondering....
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